Enjoy the beauty of Kebumen Tourist Places in Central Java, Indonesia

Inspiring for Travelling
Jatijajar's Cave

There are so many recommendations of tourist attractions in Central Java Kebumen that can refresh the eyes and also refresh your mind after a long day. One of the tourist attractions in Goa Jatijajar Kebumen which has a very high historical value, because Jatijajar Goa is formed by a natural phenomenon for thousands of years ago that led to a beautiful masterpiece that offers another nuance to the visitors. Jatijajar Goa can be referred to as a place for adventure in the bowels of the earth, but it has the feel of a relaxed and enjoyable. Jatijajar Goa is located 21 km to the south Gombong or 42 miles west Kebumen. Goa Jatijajar located at the foot of limestone mountains. Goa Attractions Jatijajar this is one very interesting ecotourism and you must visit when you visited Kebumen.

Inspiring for Traveller
    Kebumen other tourist attractions in the Arum Jeram Padegolan located in the village of Spring Dalem, District Prembun, Waduk Lintang Region, Kebumen. This one presents the sights of the river water is clear and has the characteristics of a winding river with large boulders and some fairly steep rapids. Passing this rafting skills needed sedkit until you reach the end point in Pajengkolan Dam. However, the characteristics of this challenging rapids that can provide challenges.

Inspiring for Traveller
Petruk's Cave
Then there are other tourist attractions in the form of caves in other Kebumen namely Goa Petruk, which is located in the Hamlet Mandayana, Candirenggo village, subdistrict Ayah, or 6 km from Goa Jatijajar attraction. Goa Petruk presents atmoshpere sound natural with lime water droplets that never stops. Tourist attractions in Kebumen this one has a high value because of the beauty of forms resembling stalatiknya puppet.

Saka Tunggal Mosque is one of the tourist attractions in Kebumen who have religious nuances. This mosque is located in the village of Pekuncen, District Sempor, Kebumen or about 15 km from District Deal. The mosque is believed by the public Kebumen as the oldest existing mosque in Kebumen. Saka Tunggal Mosque was built and established in 1719 at the Adipati Mangkuprojo.

Inspiring for Traveller
Logending Beach
Tourist attractions in the next Kebumen is Logending Beach or also commonly called Ayah's beach is located in District Ayah or 9 km from Goa Jatijajar. Logending beach shore presents a broad and can be enjoyed by renting a boat that has been provided for down the Bodo river estuary. One of the activities that are fun and will never be forgotten while visiting this beach is watching the sunset or the beauty of the sunset.

Inspiring for Traveller
Karangbolong Beach

Beach themed tourist spot in the next Kebumen is Karangbolong Beach which is located approximately 40 km from the city center Kebumen with wide sloping beach of fine sand coarse gray. On the east side there is a Goa Beach Karangbolong Karangbolong 30 meters long by 10 meters wide and 5 meters high which is thought to have been aged 15 to 30 million years ago that is used as a bird's nest wallet. Tourist attractions in the form Kebumen this beach can be reached by the District or through Petanahan Gombong until suwuk Beach. For those of you who want a beautiful natural setting with a swish sound of the waves, you can visit this beach with family and loved ones or your friends.

Next is a beach located in the village Petanahan Karanggadung, District Petanahan, Kebumen or about 17 miles from the center of Kebumen. Petanahan beach south beach has waves big and relentless romp, with a loud crash of sight so as to provide a comfortable and full of sensation in your eyes.

Then the last tourist beaches nuances that we can recommend is Menganti beach which is about 7 km from the father to the East Coast. Menganti beaches have white sand, cliffs and resembles a giant rock and hills. The road to the beach Menganti fairly steep, winding because it is located in a hilly area but the beauty of the beach Menganti can treat exhaustion during the journey.

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